Indipendent Institute of Geosciences
Dr. Cajus G. Diedrich
Complete cave survay: geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, pleistocene fauna, glaciomorphology, and middle/late Palaeolithic archaeology (11/2012-4/2013)
Complete cave survay: geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, pleistocene fauna, glaciomorphology, and Late Palaeolithic to New Age archaeology (11/2012-4/2013)
Article about the “Ice Age spotted hyenas from northwestern Germany" published in Mai.2005 (see publications), Hamburg (German Volume) (03-04/2005)
Collaboration in the exhibition about the international famous eemian-aged Pleistocene site "Neumark-Nord" about the theme "Forest elephants and their predators lions and spotted hyenas" (since 4/2009)
Excavation leading, research on the megafauna of the Late Pleistocene gypsum-karst hyena den site Westeregeln, (4-6/2009)
Excavation leading, research on the Middle Triassic track site Bernburg (6/2008-3/2009)
Concept, text and graphics for a Geo-Garden at the museum (01/2004)
Preparation, presentation, research of the world`s largest giant ammonite accumulation (about 500 pieces), Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (Upper Cretaceous), Borgholzhausen (German Province Westphalia), Geopark Teutoburger Wald/Wiehengebirge (04/2002)
Excavation leading, stratigraphy and carbonate sedimentology, preparation, website presentation, worldwide largest huge ammonite accumulation, Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (Upper Cretaceous), Borgholzhausen (German Province Westphalia), Geopark Teutoburger Wald/Wiehengebirge (1-2/2001)
Preparation, determination and inventarisation of the entire stone age collection (Neolithic to Magdalénien, about 1.500 objects) from the region around Saafeld (since 5/2009)
Preparation, determination and inventarisation of 660 Pleistocene bones of the historical collection Meyer 1906 from the famous gypsum-karst hyena den site Fuchsluken Rote Berg near Saalfeld (3-12/2008)
Large excavation (35 trucks with gravels) from the shark-tooth-rich site Fürstenau, geological survay, sections, sieve project and science about tooth and bone material (marine mammals, reptile remains, shark teeth, coprolites and invertebrates) - about 15.000 piecese), Middle Eocene, (Province Lower Saxony) (04-06/2011)
Surface excavation (200 square meters), preparation of a fossil channel and scour trough surface of the lower subtidal, preparation and research of bonebed material (selachians, teleosts, sauropterygians, coprolites and invertebrates - about 1.000 pieces), Upper Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic), Bissendorf (German Province Lower Saxony) (7-9/2003)
Process, inventarisation, digital photography, Oligocene invertebrate/vertebrate collection (1.500 fossils) from the Doberg (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia), new stratigraphical and sedimentological research at the Doberg (11-12/2003)
Excavations, vertebrates/invertebrate fossils (about 150 fossils) in the Upper Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of the Wiehengebirge (Province Northrhine-Westphalia) (2/2003)
Consulting, digital graphics and installation of the new permanent geological/paleontological exhibition Dobergmuseum Bünde - Geologisch-Paläontologisches Museum OWL (2-7/2003)
Process, preparation, database, invertebrate collection, Dogger (Middle Jurassic) (800 fossils), clay pit Wehrendorf (German Province Westphalia) (11-12/2002)
Process of the large paleontological Mesozoic fossil collection and organisation of new material from some private collectors and museums (8-10/2002)
Process, preparation, database, invertebrate/vertebrate collection, Liassic (Lower Jurassic) (800 fossils), clay pit sites Jöllenbeck, Schröttinghausen (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia) (4-6/2002)
Collection management, Oligocene collection (about 6.000 fossils) of the palaeontological Monument Doberg (German Province Westphalia), loan organisation of rare vertebrate remains of Anomotherium, Eosqualodon, Phoca, Diplocyonodon from private collectors and museums (2-12/2002)
Process, digital drawing and photographic work, prehistoric stone age collection (about 600 pieces), loan organisation of new finds from private persons and museums (2-12/2002)
Website production, palaeoecology of the fossil macrofauna from the Middle Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of the palaeontological monument Wallücke (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia), Geopark Terra.Vita (1-2/2002)
Process, preparation, database, invertebrate collection, Upper Callovian (Upper Jurassic) (600 pieces), palaeontological monument site Wallücke (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia) (1-3/2000)
Preparation, research of a Upper Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea skull from the Teufelskammer Cave hyena den site (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia) (4/2006)
Process, drawings, database, research about selachian teeth, teleostean and reptile remains (about 200 fossils), Upper Santonian (Upper Cretaceous), palaeontological monument Weiner Esch (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia) (3-4/2001)
Process, photos, research, database, selachian teeth, Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) (about 25 fossils), geotope Ahaus (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia) (2/2001)
Process, photos, research, database, selachian teeth, teleostean remains, Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) (about 15 fossils), Oppeln, Poland (1/2001)
Process, database, research, fishes from the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (Upper Cretaceous) (about 35 fossils), Lengerich (German Province Northrhine-Westphalia) (8/2000)
Process, database, research, fishes from the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (Upper Cretaceous) (about 40 fossils), Misburg (German Province Lower Saxony) (6/2000)
Surface excavation (150 square meters), fossil preparation, database of the finds such as selachians, teleosts, sauropterygians, coprolithes and invertebrates (about 1.700 pieces), research, Upper Muschelkalk bonebed (Middle Triassic), Lamerden (German Province Hessia) (4-6/2003)
Excavation, preparation, research, vertebrate tracks (40 pieces, and two track slabs), Upper Bunter to Middle Muschelkalk (Lower/Middle Triassic), Großenlüder (German Province Hessia) (7/2003)
Excavation, preparation, research, crustacean, Lower Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic), Schachten (German Province Hess) (2/2003)
Excavation, preparation, research, large Ceratite plaster, Upper Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic), Lamerden (German Province Hess) (2/2000)
Research, preparation of teeth, Upper Pleistocene Mammuthus primigenius (about 30 bones), Weser gravel pit Petershagen, and Bielefeld valley (German Province Westphalia) (04/2004)
Preparation, research, Upper Pleistocene woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis skeleton, gravel pit Petershagen (German Province Westphalia) (04/2004)
Preparation, research, Upper Pleistocene musk ox Ovibos moschatus skull, Weser River gravel pit Dankersen (German Province Westphalia) (10/2003)
Process, inventarisation, research, Upper Oligocene fossil collection (about 600 pieces), from Astrup near Osnabrück (German Province Lower Saxony) (2008-2009)
Preparation, inventarisation, research, Middle Triassic reptile and fish vertebrate bonebed collection (about 600 pieces), site Bissendorf near Osnabrück (German Province Lower Saxony) (2003-2009)
Prospecting, preparation, limulid crustacean Euproops, Westphalian (Carboniferous), Piesberg near Osnabrück (German Province Lower Saxony) (8/2003)
Prospecting, research, vertebrate tracks Rhynchosauroides and Procolophonichnium (about 80 pieces), Lower to Middle Muschelkalk (Lower to Middle Triassic), eight different sites in the Osnabrücker Bergland (German Province Lower Saxony), Geopark Terra.Vita (6-10/2002)
Process, preparation, invertebrate/vertebrate collection (about 40 pieces), Hâuterivian (Lower Cretaceous), Petershagen, invertebrate/vertebrate collection, Valanginian (Lower Cretaceous), Espelkamp and Lever Wald (German Province Westphalia) (6/2001)
Excavation leading, stratigraphy and sedimentology, research, vertebrate track slabs Rhynchosauroides and Procolophonichnium (3 slabs, 16 imprints), Upper Bunter (Lower Triassic), Hagen (German Province Lower Saxony) (2/2000)
Surface prospecting excavation (20 square meters) in the Permian Copper black shales fossil site Hasbergen (German Province Lower Saxony). Biodiversity, paleoenvironment, documentation, preparation of invertebrates, mainly fish vertebrates including Coelacanthids but also plant remains, research, exhibition (07-08/2005).
Surface prospecting excavation (12 square meters) in the Permian Copper black shales fossil site Hasbergen (German Province Lower Saxony), documentation, preparation of invertebrates, mainly fish vertebrates including Coelacanthids but also plant remains, research, exhibition (03-04/2004).
Process, inventarisation, digital photography, scientific work, about 6.000 bone remains (Sus, Bos, Ovis etc.) from the Medieval monastery Cloister Gravenhorst (German Province Westphalia) (10/2002-3/2003)
Cooperation for the developing of the new permanent geological/paleontological exhibition of the Dobergmuseums Bünde (02-12/2002)
Consulting of 200 macomammal bones from two museums collections, preparation, research (German Province Hessia), Upper Pleistocene spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea open air den site with prey bones, mainly of Coelodonta antiquitatis, cave bear Ursus spelaeus and other bone material, new taphonomical research (08/2005-5/2006)
Consulting and expertise in paleontological law regulations against the "Bodendenkmalpflegehilsamt Münster", Province Westphalia, Germany (05/2004)